Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Do Things With You A Wedgie What Is The Worst Wedgie You Have Ever Received?

What is the worst wedgie you have ever received? - do things with you a wedgie

This is my story:

I am a double room. My twin brother likes to humiliate me. Thus, in this marriage, I have this bustier dress with invisible braces. She came behind me while I was flirting with a guy and gave me quite a wedgie bra! My bra has declined and declined.
I turned around and lifted up her skirt and gave him a wedgie. She cried.
Who was the most embarrassing.

But I am glad that my evil twin

Oh yeah


Caroline... said...

My sister has a bag put over his head and shoved a cookie crumbled down his trousers and then lifted as hard as I could, and gave me a wedgie. All his friends have done well. : /

Now that I think is very funny, but embarrassing.

Rick James!! said...

I stood in the stands at the football game at home and I have shanked me someone is a wedgie.
Very annoying

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