Friday, February 5, 2010

Pregnancy Info More Condition_symptoms Pregnancy Info?

Pregnancy info? - pregnancy info more condition_symptoms

I am currently 32 weeks pregnant, I think you have genital herpes, pain, my skin there, based on what I read, I think that's what it can be. I had last year before I was pregnant, but was embarrassed to talk to my doctor about it.
I know that I need to talk to my doctor today
but from what I've read I understand it might be possible, nor a natural birth because I had before, and I left the first break is during pregnancy?
Can anyone give me some advice about this? no personal experience.

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From what I got on the net, its hard to read because they will not harm the baby before she got pregnant, my body anitbodies the child to protect him, I asked if anyone has had this problem a different

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