Thursday, January 7, 2010

Aviation Tool Supply Is Flight Simulator A Recommended Teaching Tool For An Actual Pilot's License?

Is Flight Simulator a recommended teaching tool for an actual pilot's license? - aviation tool supply

I have bought recently have FSX, and I was impressed impressed by the depth of the "lessons" included in the program. The computer learning program offers a series of articles on various topics of aviation, and tutorials.

That is, I know that Microsoft Flight Simulator has its limits, you can deduct the current education is fairly flat, and theft "Experience" is artificial at best.

Assuming that the school I became aware of and learn from a real teacher, we recommend using Microsoft Flight Simulator, an educational tool for the pilot phase of the introduction of grass?


Techwing said...

It helps a lot more than it hurts.

Desktop simulators have physical limitations that may limit the realism of the simulation. They have a small screen, instead of Windows has a real surround level. They control very primitive, although this may be somewhat improved by the addition of a yoke, Throttle Quadrant, pedals, etc. (which are all easily accessible) for desktop simulators. And of course they do not want to move. These restrictions are particularly important for visual flight rules flight view, which is largely based on visual cues. The VFR also tend to increase the use of "feel" make both for the movement of aircraft and the use of controls.

For IFR flight simulators office much, much better. It is easy to simulate the appearance of real instruments with very high accuracy, and visual in the case of the flight instruments, a lack of evidence of windows and lack of concentration of power in the most popular instruments in the idea of flight instruments. Therefore, the simulation of Office can be very useful for PRActicing INSTRUMENT FLIGHT.

In general, a simulator for a few habits that confusion in memory of the first step towards a real plan could cause may be, but the accuracy of the simulator is much larger than the inaccuracies and the simulation of actual flight is much closer to that there differs from the actual flight.

So, in summary, Flight Simulator is a great tool for aspiring pilots and has the advantage that they are very accessible and affordable. You can not learn to fly a simulator single office, but they can certainly be a significant advantage. A person claiming to teach in other ways, more Flight Simulator is a big advantage over someone who has the same forms of teaching others, but no Flight Simulator.

canamryd... said...

If you are a little more experience with a simulator, try X-Plane. The nature of the bastard child of a world simulator, but it feels much better than FSX.

TPI Many of my friends have a better time to someone who used the simulator has already been done to teach.

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