Friday, January 1, 2010

New Corvette Zo How Do I Increase The Loudness Of The Exhaust On My 2006 ZO 6 Corvette?

How do I increase the loudness of the exhaust on my 2006 ZO 6 Corvette? - new corvette zo

There is a valve in the exhaust pipe, which is regulated by a fuse. Upon arrival at 3500 rpm, the valve is closed and the exhaust sounds awsome. 3500 rpm under the sound is very sweet. I wonder how the flip closed at any time to improve its low speed and RPM. If the car is idle is fine as it is now ..... Only sounds good at high speed, and I want to change it, if possible. Do you know what? I asked the dealer and told them that there is a fuse that controls, but said removing the fuse would have to cope with an impact on whatever you are. Help! Where is the fuse box?

1 comment:

answerma... said...

Hello Bob ... I own a Corvette teammates. The flap is "unregulated" by the backup, it is more likely controlled by a chip in the ECM fuse ... it is when something happens in this jam and strand form the fuse blows, and n is not harmful to themselves and tried to open / close on a piece of debris. The flap is for good reasons ... Less than 3,500 U / min, it must be open to keep the pressure on state optimal. If it is closed (or open) all the time, suffer your performance ... big.

If you want to sound harsh, I suggest a good quality exhaust components, a Borla exhaust, Flowmaster'm not sure he has nothing of a ZO6 "06 ... but still has a bearing parts of this safely. You can access Web sites or Mid America Corvette Central go and see a selection of some chimneys High Perf. Do not start to pull, the backups may result in damage or something, and I would not suggest holes in your new exhaust Z06. .. that is illegal in many states is to begin with ... and frankly, I like the way tSound of the new values of your configuration ... But to each his own.

Hope this helps.

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