Monday, January 18, 2010

Quo Professional Makeup Brushes What Is You Thought On This Comment I Found Today?

What is you thought on this comment I found today? - quo professional makeup brushes

Any person who believes that the President anykind substantial change how things are done, could in WDC, is politically naive. Regardless of whether DEM or GOP. Black or white. Male or female. By deciding to fundamental changes in how Congress works, the status quo.

Forced up into the professional politicians, term limits to leave office, their number one goal ALWAYS allowed. Until these changes please those who support his re-election campaign. When billionaire múzeum special interests and unions of their own party or to blackmail her voice.

I wrote a dozen times here that change, no matter who is president needs to be done.


Think 1st said...

I disagree.
A president who represents all Americans, could make a difference, because it is the duty of the President.
The Congress represents the states.
The President will, we are humans.

The limits of the mandate of Congress and the line-item veto is unconstitutional.

Noah H said...

I do not know ... The founders do not believe that term limits are essential. Maybe we need a better way of financing campaigns. What is the increase in the number of X dollars and then the Federal Gov't Allott X amount of dollars. This would require that the election is reduced, the primaries held for a period much shorter than the cost of all the negative ads will be removed Govt allowance. Even if a group of "private" as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads "is not it, that should be prosecuted in court ... why not candidate that is a mystery to me. I bet the whole system is a mystery for many people. Why is this set? Any clues?

correraf... said...

If they do not want term limits, it must be for a term of office. Otherwise, the first full-term spending is running for his second term, and finally. But I think the term if they were limited to 2 semesters change almost nothing. The duration of no change for many years.

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